God Said That – godsaidthat.com

God Says Yes, Your Life is Worth Living

One of the most painful things to hear about in the times we live in today, having almost come through a worldwide pandemic that pretty much shut down society as we have known it,.is that there are some precious souls that unfortunately have privately thought about this question,..’is my life worth continuing”.. and for their very own personal and very private reasons never feel comfortable sharing their thoughts that have led them to think about that question with anyone. The isolation that the pandemic bought about, the stress on families and marriage relationships, the loss of love ones, the lack of social activity, the sense of a loss of self-worth, all contribute to stress, anxiety, depression and sense of hopelessness. It may very well be that you are dealing with one or more of these particular things in your own life, and the sheer weight of them just seems unbearable, mentally and emotionally, and you just want out and the only way you see getting out is to end it all. When those types of thoughts run through our minds to be honest, most people really do not feel comfortable telling anybody around you about them. They are the kinds of thoughts can overwhelm our thought life, affecting not only the way we see ourselves now, but how we see any hope for our future,.. even at times wondering within ourselves privately, if this rough time I’m in will ever end, or do I really want to deal with any of this anymore? That then then leads to that question within our heart that our heavenly Father is so concerned about as He looks on the thoughts of our heart, and that question …”is this, is my life worth living on like this?

Belove If this is you, because every one of us has been uniquely created individually, there really is only one other person in the entire universe that knows exactly how you feel, and that is God who created you. What God wants you to know, as He looks at your heart right now and sees you trying to carry that heavy emotional weight that just seems unbearable and has you wondering if it will ever end is this,..God loves you and His concern for your wellbeing is so great, so much greater than you may realize right now, in spite of anything you may feel about yourself,.. and despite what anybody else might think about you. The God that who created you, has such a deep abiding love for you and I that as He looked from Heaven, down through the ages of time as we know it, on what our heart’s greatest need would be, even before we were ever born, He planned to send His Son into this world in the person of Jesus Christ the Lord, so that everyone of us could know the everlasting peace and joy that comes from knowing Him personally, through faith in Jesus Christ his son. God wants you and I to know the peace of God that surpasses all our understanding, that He alone gives,.. now,.. while you are yet living in this life, in spite of your outward circumstances, a peace which God alone gives to those who are willing to call upon Him. It is that God, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and everything in them that says to you and I right in the mist of the darkest of valleys in life we may find may ourselves in, with His outstretched arms toward us in His love for us that says,..”yes”,.. your life is worth living”. Belove, it is not by mere chance that you were born in this generation. God has a plan, and purpose for you being here at this time. Listen to what God says about you, me, and everything else He created,…

For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him,.. and for Him….. (Colossians 1:16)

There are times when we all read things that just make us just have to stop and reflect a minute in amazement, thinking about what we just read. We stop because we just want to process what we just read and let it sink in. For me, this is one of those things. If all things were created by Him. and for Him,(the Him referring to Jesus Christ), them your life and my life has a God given purpose for being here on earth at this point in history. It is said that the word, “history”, broken up into two words, is His-story. You and I are a part of His- story for this generation. Think about that for a minute. God, in His wisdom chose to have you live in this present generation for His purposes. He didn’t plan for you to live a thousand years ago,..not a hundred years ago, not even a hundred years from now,.. but now, in this time and in this generation, and in this country.

How easy it is to lose sight of that fact as we go through the good times and troubling times in our life. God’s word tells us that some of His greatest servants felt like they just wanted their life to end.  Elijah, the prophet of God fell into a hopeless emotional state after being pursued by those seeking to capture him and just wanted his life to end, (1 Kings 19).  Jonah, who God saved out of the belly of a great fish for the very purpose of sending him to Nineveh to call the Ninevites to repent and turn to God, wanted to die rather than seeing the Ninevites repent and be spared by God, (Jonah 4:3). Things got so bad emotionally in the life of Jeremiah another prophet of God, that he cursed the day of his birth (Jeremiah 20:14-18), and so did Job the Bible tell us in (Job 3:1-16).  What interesting about the life of each of these people is that God used each one of these low points in their lives, and continues to do so even now,.. thousands of years later, to teach us about the great patience He has with us, ..the love He has for us, the great mercy He shows toward people we may think don’t deserve mercy, as well as His faithfulness to us all, in spite of our faults or what we or anybody else may feel about us. Think about this a minute. It is because they endured by God’s grace and did not end their lives, people from every generation after them have been encouraged as we have learned these truths about how the God who loves us deals with us’… through the darkest times they went through in their lives.  It probably never even entered their minds at the time that God would use their life to teach many generations to come,.. but God intended to do all that He did with each of their lives,..even before the world was ever created. The Lord sees everything from the beginning of our appointed time here on earth to the very end of our time here and everything in between, before we were ever born. Think about that a minute.


The God that created us eagerly wants a personal relationship with each one of us. God, wants that relationship in spite of how our pass has caused us to feel about ourselves. God wants you and I to walk in His uniquely individual plan for us. Think about this a minute, “Do you know that there has never, in all the Creation of God, ever been anyone ever created exactly like you?,..And there will never be anyone created after you, exactly like you? Do you know that God, before He ever made the first star, before He ever made the Moon and the Sun, God ordained that you would live in this generation? That you would be born into the family you are in, and that you would meet the people you have met and those you will eventually meet doing your lifetime? Now If that doesn’t have you in awe of Him, think about this one,..God even knew you would be reading this blog post on this day,..and at this very moment,..before He ever said “Let there be Light” at the Creation of the world. You were in the mind of God long before you ever existed. Listen to what the Psalmist says of his own thoughts as he thinks about God’s thoughts toward him… ( Psalm 139:17-18),

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You
… (Psalms 139:17-18)

 In the previous verses he thanks God and praises God as he realizes the unique individual he really is,.. who has been created by an Almighty God,. and for God’s purposes,….

For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You,When I was made in secret, ….(Psalms 139:13-15)

Then the Psalmist, having understood the awesome power of God and the foreknowledge of the God who created him says this,

“  Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them
….. (Psalms 139:16)

He says, God you saw me even before I was formed in my mother’s womb, and you ordained the number of my days, when as yet there was none of them. My days that you ordained for me Lord God, the Psalmist says, you already had them written in your book before I was ever formed in my mother’s womb.  Belove, God has a purpose for your life which is precious to God. Notice what God said to the prophet Jeremiah, who God spoke to when he was just a youth,..

Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying: “Before I formed you in the womb,.. I knew you; Before you were born,.. I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”.(Jeremiah 1:4-5)

It is this same God, that formed Jeremiah in his mother’s womb and raised him up to be a prophet for Him,..is the same God that also had a purpose in mind for your life when He formed you in your mother’s womb. The very reason you are still alive on this earth today is because God loves you and has a purpose for your life that He still wants you to walk in. It may be that you feel you have messed up and thinking God cannot use my life because of the mess I have made of it,..but what we saw about God from the lives of those mentioned earlier is that God has great patience with us and loves us, in spite of all our flaws and pass bad pass decisions we have made.  God delights to show mercy to those who are willing to call upon Him.

Belove if this a dark season in your life right now that seems to have no end, know this for sure,..God wants to bring you out of that night season by calling you to look to the Light of this world, His Son,.. the Lord Jesus Christ.

God sees the weight of the emotional burden and despair you are carrying right now, and God is very much concerned about you, and because the Lord does not want you to harm yourself, when those thoughts of harming yourself are continually on your mind,..know this for sure ,..It is God’s is will for you to seek the help of a professional because God sees the depths of that sense of hopelessness you are feeling as nobody else may understand, and just as God brought those you read about earlier through their valleys, God also wants to bring you through yours. Your life is precious in the sight of God, and yes, God even works through professional therapist so don’t ever, ever hesitate to seek the help of a professional if you feel the need to. That knowledge and wisdom to deal with man’s emotional and intellectual state has been given by our gracious God. The Lord works through people to address the emotional, the intellectual, the spiritual, as well as the physical, and social needs of people. Also, in addition to a therapist, what you will most likely find out is that God will have godly people somewhere in your life’s path, to encourage you and pray for you. It may be a coworker, a neighbor, a relative or even someone you just sat next to on a flight. Even the therapist you eventually decide to go to could end up being that person. Whoever it ends up being just know this, it is no accident or coincidence that they are in your life at this time. They are there by God’s design for God’s purposes toward you.

 Finally, belove God Himself wants to be to you, a friend that sticks closer to you than a brother. Think about that one a minute. Take that thought with you the rest of the day. The next time you are out at night, look up at the moon and stars, and those fascinating cloud formations, think about this. The God that created that moon and those stars and ordained those cloud formations you are looking at wants to be your friend. If you have never made a decision to come to God through His Son Jesus Christ trusting Him alone, not your good deeds to get you into heaven, by allowing Him His rightful place as Lord over your life, then God Himself is inviting you to do so today, by going to the “Prayers” page under “Encouragement” menu tab of this website and praying “the prayer to invite Jesus Christ His Son into your life”.  Your life is worth living because of His love for you and His desire for you to live in the purposes He has for your life. God actually said that.
